JBR Workshop: How to Get Published in JBR

Journal of Business Research Workshop

- How to Get Published in JBR

Date: Nov. 17, 2023

Venue: ICONS Room, 7th Floor, Yonsei-Samsung Library, Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Invited Speaker:

Prof. Mirella Kleijnen (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

Co-Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Business Research (Impact Factor 11.3)

Host: Center for Sustainability & Wellbeing, Yonsei University

Organizer: Korean Scholars of Marketing Science

This workshop is designed especially for emerging scholars who aspire to publish their academic work in the Journal of Business Research. Prof. Mirella Kleijnen (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Co-Editor-in-Chief, will provide insights on:

1. The review process in general and specifically for the Journal of Business Research (JBR):

The review process can be a challenging journey, and while there is no ‘golden recipe’, there are certainly lessons to be learned that can increase the likelihood of success.

During the workshop, we will discuss typical mistakes authors make and trends in the field and provide insights from behind the scenes at JBR.

2. Ways to craft the contribution and positioning of research for publication:

The best way to learn is to share! We will participate in some hands-on exercises together to help you identify relevant research problems and how to write up your contribution effectively.

These skills are imperative for any scholar and remain challenging whether you are in the early or later phases of your academic career.

Discussing and sharing perspectives is essential to develop your critical thinking skills, so bring a draft of the introduction or summary of your current research and find out how to upgrade it!

Workshop Time Table: Nov. 17, 2023

14:00-16:00: JBR Workshop

16:00-17:00: Meeting the JBR Co-Editor-in-Chief

**This JBR Workshop is a part of the 2023 KSMS International Conference.

How to Join this JBR Workshop:

1. Registration for the 2023 KSMS International Conference is required.

- 2023 KSMS International Conference Registration:


2. Please send your intention to join this JBR Workshop to ksmscentraloffice@gmail.com.

- You are cordially asked to sign up for this workshop if you wish to join it.


More Information:

Central Office

Korean Scholars of Marketing Science,

