2022 KSMS Doctoral Dissertation Competition

2022 KSMS Doctoral Dissertation Competition 

Deadline for Submission: October 7, 2022

Chair of 2022 KSMS Doctoral Dissertation Competition Award Committee: 

- Prof. Shijin Yoo (Korea University Business School), shijinyoo@korea.ac.kr

Korean Scholars of Marketing Science is pleased to announce our annual dissertation competition, designed to acknowledge excellent doctoral dissertations on important marketing subjects. Submission must be received by October 7, 2022 via e-mail. KSMS will grant Premier Award and Excellent Awards. Each winner will receive an award package.

The submitted dissertation must have been completed and approved by his/her dissertation committee in 2021 - 2022.

‘KSMS Doctoral Dissertation Competition’ is proud of our long award history. Only a few qualified candidates have won this competition. The competition is open to persons with completed doctoral dissertations in the fields of marketing and related topics worldwide. Participation in other grant or award programs does not preclude consideration for this award. Candidates are required to attend and make presentations in the competition which will be held in the 2022 KSMS International Conference at Korea University Business School, Seoul, Republic of Korea on November 5, 2022. Winner(s) will be announced in ‘2022 KSMS International Conference’ (www.kams.org).

Submission Guidelines:

- Detailed contact information for you and your dissertation advisor/chair

- Recommendation Letter signed by your advisor

- A page with all of your committee members’ signatures in your dissertation.

- WORD or PDF format of your doctoral dissertation without any identifying information (names, schools, etc.).

- Extended abstract: maximum 5 double-spaced pages including a brief statement of the research problem(s), relevant theory, hypotheses, methodology, analysis, and managerial relevance.

The 2022 KSMS Doctoral Dissertation Competition Committee will judge submissions by their solidness of the conceptual development, rigor and appropriateness of methodology, potential contribution to academia and business, and creativity.


More Information: 2022 Doctoral Dissertation Competition Office of Korean Scholars of Marketing Science,

Korea University Business School, Seoul, Republic of Korea. Tel: +82 2 3290 2827; E-mail: ksmscentraloffice@gmail.com

Submissions to: Danbi Kim (Korea University Business School), dbkim55@gmail.com

Attached are:

1. 2022 KSMS DDC Announcement

2. 2022 KSMS DDC Application Form

3. 2022 KSMS DDC Recommendation Letter Form

Central Office

Korean Scholars of Marketing Science (www.kams.org), ksmscentraloffice@gmail.com 

Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science (http://www.tandfonline.com/rgam)

Journal of Global Fashion Marketing (www.tandfonline.com/rgfm)

Journal of Global Sport Management (http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rgsm)

Global Marketing Conference (http://gammaconference.org/)

Global Fashion Management Conference (http://gammaconference.org/)

Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations (http://gamma20.org/)